Are You Ready to Prioritize Your Wellbeing?

Are you prioritizing your well-being? was a virtual event for Black women. Created for our community to engage and connect in a way that felt comfortable and authentic to them.

How do the many intersections we experience as Black women impact us and how can we continue to take care of ourselves?

Our session featured Carla Ribeiro, MA, MEd, CCC, a registered psychotherapist and counsellor with a particular focus on Black women and women of colour, and BWLN member.

We discussed themes related to self-care and connection. Carla shared insights from the work she has done to arm black women with resources to work through their experiences related to uncertainty, gender and race; how we can advocate for ourselves, how that may look different for each of us and tips for managing during these uncertain times.

The space was safe, free from judgement, where participants were able engage and connect in ways that feel most comfortable and authentic to them.